Location and Area


Location Bay of Bengal
Longitude 920 to 940 East
Latitude 60 to 140 North

Altitude (Highest point)

Andaman Islands (North)
Saddle Peak 732 Meters
Andaman Islands (South)
Mount Harriet 365 Meters


Total Area 8249 Sq.km
Andaman District 6408 Sq.km
Nicobar District 1841 Sq.km
Urban area  16.64 Sq.km
Rural Area 8232.36 Sq.km

Length and breadth of Andaman Islands

Total Length 467 kms
Maximum Width 52 Kms
Average Width 24 kms
Length and Breadth of Nicobar Islands
Total Length 259 kms
Maximum Width 58 kms
Biggest Island in Andaman Group
Middle Andaman Island 1536 Sq.Km
Biggest Island in Nicobar Group
Great Nicobar Island 1045 Sq.Km.
Smallest Island in Andaman Group
Ross Island 0.8 Sq Km.
Smallest Island in Nicobar Group
Pilomillow Island 1.3 Sq.Km

Distance by Sea (in kms.)

Between Port Blair & Chennai 1190
Between Port Blair & Calcutta 1255
Between Port Blair & Vishakapatnam 1200
Distance by Air Kms.
Between Calcutta & Port Blair 1303
Between Chennai & Port Blair 1330

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    Entry formailities

     Foreigner Nationals

    All foreign nationals can stay in the islands for 30 days. This can be extended by another 15 days with permission. They require a permit to stay from the immigration authorities. In addition, permits can also be obtained from: Indian Missions Overseas, Foreigner's Registration Offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta and the immigration authorities at the airports at Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai.

     For Indians

    Indians need no permit to visit Andamans Islands. But permits are required to visit Nicobar Islands and other tribal areas, which are given in exceptional cases. Application on a prescribed form may be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner, Andaman District, Port Blair.